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Speed:     Very Slow

Hull:         Very High

Armour:  NA

Shields:   NA

Expense: Low


Strong VS Capital Ships

Weak VS Fighters/Frigates/Fast Moving Units




A simple minded peeble of the Arachnid kingdom, this spore holds potential spawns ready to be hurled onto a planet to settle and conquer. Because it is a spore, the dwellers are juviniles making them weaker than their mature counterpart. Drifting in space, the Spore lurks waiting for a potential planet to be nestled.

The Arachnids were originally believed to be mindless creatures. They have the ability to colonize planets "by hurling their spore into space" and possess a social structure which fits their mental capabilities.As the Arachnid War progressed, it became clear that they have a caste system, with each subspecies filling a specific role.


As the United Citizen Federation expanded its territory across the Galaxy, it came into contact with the Arachnid Species covering an area of it. The Federation initially considered the Arachnids to be a less advanced civilization, however, to avoid conflict, the region of space the Arachnids had colonized was Quarantined to prevent any humans settling within it. Despite this unofficial colonies were created, on Arachnid planets often ending in the Arachnid attacks of these poorly defended colonies leading to massacres such as at Port Joe Smith. In response to these intrusions into Arachnid colonies, the Arachnids launched an Meteor Attack on Buenos Aires.This led to the Bug War, and the Second Bug War.



Speed:     Very Low

Hull:         Very High

Armour:  NA

Shields:   NA

Expense: Medium


Strong VS Frigates/Capital Ships 

Weak VS Fighters/Fast Moving Units




A larger version of the spore, except it houses much more mature and stronger species, ready to be deployed to take on deadlier enemies. The Hive is also more sturdy in hulll and defenses, taking up more of a beating before it gives in. 


Speed:     Very Low

Hull:         Very High

Armour:  NA

Shields:   NA

Expense: High


Strong VS Fighters/Frigates/Capital Ships

Weak VS Fast Moving Units




A monolithic rock floating in space, inhabited by a legion of arachnid threat, the Colony is fortress worthy to be reckoned with. Capital Ships from afar will face sheer difficulty getting close enough to this hulk of a rock without being torn apart by a volley of plasma attacks. One would need a large number of ships to take on this beast before it hurls itself onto a planet spilling doom and destruction.

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